Bunyip Renewable Actions Group (BRAG) BRAG is working hard to significantly reduce Bunyip and the district's carbon footprint by facilitating the transition to renewable energy. This year they have 3 successful grant applications and it is fantastic to see their ideas come to fruition to help their community. 1. Sinha Foundation $3000 to purchase thermal camera
2. Cardinia Shire Community Wellbeing and Support Seeding Grant: $3114 to install a community notice board in the town centre and also to create a web page. 3. Bunyip Community Op Shop Annual Dispersal of Funds: $1000 to install more solar lighting in the town (to be used in the Recreation Reserve Car Park.) BRAG also has another 3 pending grant applications, with 2022 looking to be a big year for the Bunyip community. On top of all the hard work in applying for grants, BRAG have a number of initiatives and they will soon be available on their brand new website – stay tuned for more! 1. Creation of 2 short videos , “We Need You” and “Consider Bunyip” 2. Creation of web page ( almost there) 3. Creation of a 2022 calendar highlighting 12 good energy practices in Bunyip to sell @ $10 each. 4. Creation of 1000 and 500 piece jigsaws from an aerial photo of Bunyip taken during the March 2019 Bunyip State Forest Fires. To be sold for $50 and $35 respectively. 5. Attendance at Bunyip Community markets in November and December. 6. Frequent posts on Bunyip Community fb page and and an update in each monthly newsletter.
Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association (DRREA) DREEA had their AGM a few weeks back and are gearing up for 2022. They will be holding a community meeting in January to do a presentation on energy efficiency experiences to boost how it works and how locals can get involved – Promotion flyer to come!
In March 2022 DREEA will be talking at Selby Community House about the YV-CPHub to build community engagement in the area. A new website is under development, facilitated by the YV-CPHub. It will be live in 2022 and will have all of DREEA's events and information for the local community. The first Heat Pump from the Bulk Buy has been installed in Belgrave. Healesville CoRE
Up until November Healesville CoRE had their own heat pump HWS bulk buy program using the Reclaim system (third year of running) and is still going strong. Healesville Core also supported the LGA run Solar Savers program for solar panels and batteries. They also continued running the home energy efficiency auditing service in 2021, started in 2020. Only a few audits were done due to lockdowns preventing home visits. Successful installation of solar systems for the community through the revolving Fund Program. After the 2019 election H’CoRE were awarded funding of $90000 from the Federal government to enable the installation of solar systems on 3 community buildings. In 2021 the first two of these were installed and are now up and running, at the Robyn Jane Children’s centre and the Healesville Living and Learning Centre. We are currently working on installing the third system at the St Brigit’s Primary School in Healesville. ‘The funding has been structured as a revolving fund where we don't just pay for the system, we in effect loan the money to the end user, and they repay us over time using the savings they have made on their power bills. So eventually we get the money back and can use it again to install further systems again using the revolving fund approach. They end up with a paid for solar system. A win-win situation’ - Julian Higgs - Healesville CoRE Treasurer. H'CoRE has had a busy year with events despite Covid restrictions, with a live event on solar electricity and hot water another live event on home energy efficiency and a Webinar event featuring Dr Helen Haines on community energy.
Yarra Glenergy Yarra Glenergy have received a $30,000 grant from DELWP for the installation of a 50kW Electric Vehicle charging station, to be ready for use in 2022. The charging station will be located at McKenzies Reserve car park, the heart of Yarra Glen’s main strip. As Electric Vehicles become more common there will be increased demand for fast chargers in regional areas. At present the Yarra Ranges does not have any fast chargers available (current fastest charger is only 11kW). It is an exciting achievement for Yarra Glenergy as there will be plenty of exposure to see electrical vehicles in action for thousands of car enthusiasts who frequent the town on their way through to the Yarra Valley.